Friday, January 27, 2023

A No Good Very Bad Week

 Friends, I work in tech. If you have read the news at all this week,  you know what is happening in tech right now.  (I still have a job.) So this entire week has been full of my coworkers all having feelings and me discovering that my default reaction to uncomfortable meetings is a bad case of RBF.  Pile on top of that some very interesting communication choices from on high,  someone several levels up the food chain from me publicly criticizing someone even further up, and a number of colleagues who said a lot of things I would never say in public and.... well... it's been a week. 

There were six good months beforehand though,  which beats academia any day of the week. (My spouse's boss just appointed a new chair without asking a single solitary soul for input, for example.) 

I am going to read a book, look for job ads for my recently laid off pal, and repair the fence a deer jumped through. May your weekends be peaceful.


  1. I think RBF is a reasonable response to uncomfortable meetings. We are playing twice monthly DnD with some good friends and the GM has done a lot of improv classes. He is excellent and very entertaining, but I suspect he tries to get a rise from me in certain game situations. RBF is also my default response.

  2. RBF is my default to a lot of situations. My mom used to call it Active BF though XD She probably wasn't wrong back then.

    I hope things are getting better for you at least, and that your friend who was laid off lands a good gig soon.


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