Sunday, November 19, 2023

For only the second time in my four decades of life, I will not be seeing my parents for Thanksgiving.  (The first time I was studying abroad in France.) This is due to an unfortunate convergence of commitments plus even more unfortunate family stuff plus an elderly dog (not mine). I should probably feel bad about it, but instead I'm buying chopped salad in a bag, roasting one turkey, and not worrying one single bit. As long as the statutory number of pies appear (one per human in attendance), my kids probably won't even notice.


  1. I hope you had a lovely easy weekend and that the elderly dog and family stuff are well or turning out well.

    1. Jenny F Scientist9:36 PM

      It was very pleasant and I ate a wholly inadvisable amount of pumpkin pie! I hope yours was also enjoyable.


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