Thursday, January 12, 2023

How Time Goes By

 Tonight the oldest kid and I went to high school orientation and he chose his classes for next year. It was definitely a surreal experience for us both.  How is my kid old enough to go to high school next year?  Somehow it's easier to cope with the fact that he's taller than me. 

Looking around the room, though, I saw so many children I've known since they were toddlers.  Even more amazing is the fact that when the youngest goes to high school it will be children I've known since they were newborns! 


  1. Kids DO grow up so fast! A friend's girl (that I've known since she was in preschool) is a Senior and applying to colleges. My eldest will be driving in less than 6 months. Time is very strange.

  2. Are you SURE he's almost old enough to drive? (And also I suppose I've known HIM since he was in preschool too!)


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