Wednesday, May 17, 2023


For Mother's Day I took myself off to three different plant selling emporia.  I bought a modestly sized flat of wee plants off my list, got home, and promptly realized that what I really need is more garden beds. Naturally. I was going to get a landscape rose to replace the one that bit it but nobody had any and then I planted a bunch of lavender and peonies there.

Now I am trying to motivate myself to cut back on sugar some (from Too Much to Just Enough!) with a plant purchase fund. I'll let you know how it goes.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Ooh - tell me more about the plant purchase fund to cut back on sugar. I've been sliding into eating too much candy lately and I'm having a hard time stopping myself. Perhaps a treat to replace it would work.

    1. Jenny F Scientist5:03 PM

      For every day that I do NOT eat an excessive amount of something sugary I put a little x in the note on my phone where I'm keeping track. Each x is a sum (I decided on $2 as motivating enough! ) and once I get enough in my plant fund i can order another tree peony.;)


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