Friday, January 03, 2025

Five minute blogging: ADHD

 My oldest kid has just been diagnosed with Inattentive Type ADHD,  which is good to know and explains a lot. We can help him more effectively now that we know this thing! However, in reading about it, I've realized that I too have this thing.

Now I'm wondering how much of who I am is normal human behavior and how much is a bundle of problems glued together with anxiety and a rigid organizational system.  Like is all of me one big problem that I need to solve? Probably no but then which parts ARE the problems.  

Friday, December 20, 2024


 The other night at the Hobby Group Party, a very nice woman said (in all sincerity) that she couldn't take her daily (one teaspoon of) apple cider vinegar while pregnant. 

I was polite and did not ask her about her salad dressing and pickle consumption while pregnant.  But truly, the mind boggles.

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Yet More Bad Decisions

My sick relative now wants to get more quack treatment, in a foreign country, for 5 months, with their young child along. Their spouse is still in the military. What could go wrong?

(Me:"They could have to go to the hospital and have the kid taken away by social services."

Dr. S: "They could die and the child could find their body.")

Work continues to be a mess, though I can't care much.  My oldest kid continues to fail HS classes, though we're working on it. My health also continues to be a mess.

What. A. Fall.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

More Decisions

 My SIL is having some kind of lung trouble that indicates dire complications and probably serious metastases.  This has changed nothing.  

My mother is now insisting she will go visit my siblings in A Certain Country What's Doing All The War Crimes Right Now. There's some trouble getting flights and I have asked if she would please not go visit a shooting war. This has also changed nothing. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024


My relative with the bad diagnosis is going to Ye Olde Quack Clinic in three days. They will be charged $4600 per week to be treated with combinations that, if they worked, I assure you every clinic in the world would be using.  I expect them to be gone in a year tops, leaving behind a young child and a spouse. 

They are being gulled willingly, but there's a special place in hell for the people running this clinic. Shame on those despicable humans for exploiting the desperate with false hope. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Five Minute Blogging: Mortality and Sense

 We recently took a delightfully relaxing vacation to see family. While there, one of my siblings-in-law received some distressing health news (of the kind with a 50% 5-year survival). They immediately tried to think of just the right combination of "alternative" remedies,  quack clinics in Germany, and powdered mushrooms to solve this.

The news is obviously very upsetting.  I had also never seen so close up the bargaining with the universe,  the magical thinking,  that underlies all these unscientific bullshit "cures." And I realized that the fundamental driving force is: If I can just do all the right things, I'll be okay. Bad things won't happen because I can control the randomness with this (herb, gluten-free diet, stem cell transplant in Mexico, by drinking vinegar every day.) 

Unfortunately the survival rate of this condition, untreated by modern medicine,  is pretty darn close to zero.  It's hard to think you might do everything medicine has to offer, and still die. I just don't see how denial is going to make this situation better. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Should I Stay?

Dear Readers, my work has been more than a little dysfunctional lately. Questionable leadership decisions, iffy financials, a large round of layoffs.... I am extremely torn about whether I should be looking for the exit. 

On the one hand, the company is in at least warm water financially and I don't see how the staffing issues will be resolved.  The level of uncertainty,  verging on chaos, is high,  and the department I want to move into probably will not happen for various reasons. 

On the other hand, I have a stellar and realistic boss ("Look out for yourself,  but know your work is valued and I'd be sad to see you go"), I work with a whole lot of great people, and I have an enormous amount of freedom and responsibility without much stress. I regularly problem-solve interesting things,  get drawn into meetings with higher ups, and overall am pretty satisfied.  Also I'm well paid and got a 10% raise last year. 

SO, do I stick it out,  knowing I don't really NEED a job and we could get by on one income,  or do I look really seriously at other jobs, or do I apply to stuff but only if it looks really appealing???