Thursday, December 30, 2021

Too Many Somethings

 In between deciding to open a blog post and actually opening it- a delay of a single second- I forgot everything I was going to say.

Currently I am getting ready to teach an intro course for the first time.  I am full of dread and overwhelm, mixed with rage at the quality of everyone else's materials which I have now inherited.  Some of them have not been edited since 2001 and were written by an old dead white guy.  Why. WHY. 

Meanwhile, the university is trying to dictate certain things about my personal health care and my response is "!@#$% you, make me," which will in no way cause problems.  

And also, we should all enjoy our plague winter a WHOLE LOT. Let me dig out my "I TOLD YOU SO" sign for when it turns out that booster effectiveness starts going down after ~ 3 months.... 


  1. You have reminded me to check the online thing to see if the system has been updated with my annual physical so I don't have to pay an additional $30/month for my insurance. Fun times.

  2. In my first year at my current job, I took over a class from an old white guy. He explained his syllabus to me, earnestly advising me that there was no need to teach anyone except old white dead guys, since "if those [other] people" had been any good, someone would have noticed by now. UGH.

    1. This particular old dead white guy was extremely long-winded and condescending, as far as I can tell. UGH UGH. (I mean, basic chemistry hasn't changed much, but the level of acceptable paternalism has dropped...)

  3. Goodness gracious, your I Told You So post is still spot-on. Would you be offended if I called you a modern-day Cassandra?

    Also, I am enjoying my plague winter! Mostly out of spite.

    In between reading this post and commenting, I learned Cold City is delaying the start of school AND switching to virtual on January 6th! In our liberal county with 80%+ vaccination rate! I can only hope my school district does not follow suit.

    1. OH FOR FUCKS SAKE. Bet they didn't close the goddamn bars. Or the university. You know, the one with all the plague.

      Unlike Cassandra, at least some people believe me... but we're definitely gonna hit a million dead some day soon.


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