- When will I graduate?
- Do I have a publishable story?
- Should I switch projects?
- What do I have to do before next year to remain in good standing?
- Do you agree with my thesis outline? If not, why?
- Knowledge of the literature
- Critical thinking
- Demonstrating initiative
- Motivation and work ethic
- Technical competence
I am a fifth-year. My committee is no longer responsible for my reading habits. And if I lack technical competence at this point... it's beyond help. Or at least: beyond their help. But more importantly, they do not see any of these things happening (with the possible exception of critical thinking). I am in a lab 300 days a year, and they see me one day a year.
I predict this will inspire post-meeting rage, despair, and reading of job ads.
I wrote this before my last committee meeting. Behold! I have oracular skills. It happened just as I predicted.
Why are all our committees run by monkeys?