Wednesday, April 24, 2024

More Changes

 The in laws are now here. While I recognize they are not at their best after uprooting their whole lives, I'm also a bit surprised at how not-okay they are. They're tired and overwhelmed... and also I filled out a new-patient visit request for them yesterday.  They're worn out... and also somewhat unable to prioritize (though that has always been true, it's just worse now).

Anyhow, I'm glad they're here, because it was definitely time. More of the everyday stuff is for sure landing on me, and I am not at all surprised. In some ways I think it's easier for them to ask me for help because I'm not THEIR child. 

But it's still a lot.


  1. It sounds like this is going to add a lot more details management to your life, isn't it?

    1. Jenny F Scientist8:41 PM

      For sure. And my dear spouse may not be at his best either; when I got home from 3 hours of construction at his parents' house he told me he felt like he was at my beck and call because I asked if he would help with dinner but hadn't told him in advance I was going to need help with dinner. (I didn't KNOW I was going to....). Honestly it's the first time in 19 years years that I seriously fantasized about divorce.


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